Sicuramente il velista dell’anno! meno esperto di tanti altri ma coraggiosissimo a mettersi in gioco e non abbandonare mai la sfida quando le cose non andavano bene e a riparare una barca in condizioni impossibili, non una ma ben due volte, superando ogni ostacolo e non piegandosi alle avversita’ ma sempre nel rispetto della sicurezza altrui e del mare.
Finire una regata per principio (non per un posto sul podio) la dice tutta!
L’essenza della determinazione. Marco è questo. La vela non era il suo mondo, ma anche in questa avventura è riuscito a superare ogni aspettativa, e a superare ogni ostacolo.
Vincere due leg da totale outsider è stata una impresa. E solo le rotture gli hanno impedito di vincere la terza e di competer eper le quarta e per la vittoria finale.
You completed the world tour by finishing as the leading boat in 2 legs and overcoming great difficulties in the next 2 legs, congratulations…
Anne-marie Devillers
8 Maggio 2024 al 10:23 - Rispondi
Bravo Marco pour ce projet et cette devise “never give up!” qui a permis à l’équipe de boucler ce mythique tour du monde.
Daniele Patrioli
8 Maggio 2024 al 15:41 - Rispondi
Marco è uomo di business ma ha dedicato questi ultimi 3 anni ad un’impresa sportiva più difficile di quelle affrontate nei cyber-salotti buoni della silicon valley dove solitamente negozia con i guru delle tech company americane.
Probabilmente il velista che ha dovuto affrontare più sfide quest’anno, qualcuna vinta, qualcuna no, ma senza mollare mai.
Micaela Malingri
14 Maggio 2024 al 22:25 - Rispondi
Impossibile per me non votarlo, ci ha fatto rivivere l’avventura della prima regata intorno al mondo 50 anni. Regata a cui hanno partecipato anche mio papà mia mamma e mio zio.
Marco has demonstrated the very best in human spirit. His focus and dedication to achieve what he has done is an inspiration to us all Not only to create the project, but to carry it through against the odds, as well as leading the way. The effort to make the start of Leg 4, together with the commitment to finish it is magic.
I haven’t met Marco Trombetti, though it’s clear to me that he has inspired very many thousands of people through his determination to overcome adversity during Ocean Globe Race. Having won the first two legs, Translated9 unfortunately suffered hull damage after rounding Cape Horn during the third leg and diverted to the Falkland Islands, after which the Translated story became a fascinating aspect of the OGR, the team spirit that came through and the will to overcome adversity, led and enthused by Marco’s relentless determination was intriguing to follow. And just when we thought they’d done it, and they were back at the front of the fleet and heading north to the finish in the UK, they suffered further related hull issues and had to divert to Maderia. Though did they give up – No! It’s clear that “give up” is not in Marco’s vocabulary (though he can probably translate it into 58 languages…), instead they once again tackled it head-on and sailed up the Solent and over the line, not in first place in either line honours or handicap, though true winners in every other sense of the word!
Ha insegnato a molti cosa significa andare in barca a vela anche quando ti cade il mondo addosso. Passione, spirito di sacrificio, compattezza di gruppo, sfide incredibili dentro e fuori dall’acqua, occasione unica per molti giovani e molto altro ancora. Con Translated 9 Marco ha incarnato i valori più nobili di una passione prima ancora che uno sport meraviglioso. Questa è la vela che amo e mi perdonino i cultori delle barche “volanti”. Stavolta lo chapeau è per Marco Trombetti
Farbod Mansorian
16 Maggio 2024 al 20:05 - Rispondi
I have worked for Translated for a long time and have never had a problem with the agency. The Matecat system is a great platform to work on and the PMs respond quickly. As for the rates, they seem standard.
I work as a translator and proofreader for Translated. It is a great agency to work for and I am now very pleased to support you Marco as Sailor of the Year, and the Translated 9 team. A great effort.
I have been with Translated for over seven years now and it has been nothing else but great. They have great tools, good payment system and they always pay on time. So far I have had no complaints with them. So year, I am very pleased to support Marco as sailor of the year. Bravo!!!
Congratulations on your incredible achievements! Winning Seahorse Magazine’s Sailor of the Month award in March 2024 is a testament to your exceptional skills and dedication. Now, being shortlisted by Giornale della Vela as Sailor of the Year 2024 in the boat owner category is another remarkable milestone.
I praise you Marco and Follow Team Members even if you are encountering the hardships and difficulties on your sailing journey.
God will protect you and your fellows to guide a victory of success whether you are the first or the last.
When we are very young, our parent has watched us and cared us as such, someone or invisible power of extra-ordinary phenomenon will guide you and your follows until you are reached your target of goal.
You are a brave man with excellently coordinating fellow friends.
God bless you and your friends and your families and your communities.
Un grande esempio dei risultati che si possono ottenere con la determinazione e un atteggiamento positivo, sia nella vita che nel lavoro. Complimenti a Marco e tutto il suo team!
I knew nothing about sailboat or about Marco, I then had to visit to get a grasp. The world is really our oyster and Translated has no boundary. More strength to your elbows to steer the ship to the desired shores Marco. Kudos!!!
Per l’avventura difficile vissuta quest’anno e la determinazione dimostrata merita riconoscimento. Super!
Sicuramente il velista dell’anno! meno esperto di tanti altri ma coraggiosissimo a mettersi in gioco e non abbandonare mai la sfida quando le cose non andavano bene e a riparare una barca in condizioni impossibili, non una ma ben due volte, superando ogni ostacolo e non piegandosi alle avversita’ ma sempre nel rispetto della sicurezza altrui e del mare.
Finire una regata per principio (non per un posto sul podio) la dice tutta!
L’essenza della determinazione. Marco è questo. La vela non era il suo mondo, ma anche in questa avventura è riuscito a superare ogni aspettativa, e a superare ogni ostacolo.
Vincere due leg da totale outsider è stata una impresa. E solo le rotture gli hanno impedito di vincere la terza e di competer eper le quarta e per la vittoria finale.
Bravo Marco! Come sempre
Bravo Marco pour ce projet .. et toute le détermination pour aller au bout du tour du monde malgré les épreuves. Nevers gîte up !!!
You completed the world tour by finishing as the leading boat in 2 legs and overcoming great difficulties in the next 2 legs, congratulations…
Bravo Marco pour ce projet et cette devise “never give up!” qui a permis à l’équipe de boucler ce mythique tour du monde.
Marco è uomo di business ma ha dedicato questi ultimi 3 anni ad un’impresa sportiva più difficile di quelle affrontate nei cyber-salotti buoni della silicon valley dove solitamente negozia con i guru delle tech company americane.
Probabilmente il velista che ha dovuto affrontare più sfide quest’anno, qualcuna vinta, qualcuna no, ma senza mollare mai.
Impossibile per me non votarlo, ci ha fatto rivivere l’avventura della prima regata intorno al mondo 50 anni. Regata a cui hanno partecipato anche mio papà mia mamma e mio zio.
In de voetsporen van JOSHUA SLOCUM
Marco has demonstrated the very best in human spirit. His focus and dedication to achieve what he has done is an inspiration to us all Not only to create the project, but to carry it through against the odds, as well as leading the way. The effort to make the start of Leg 4, together with the commitment to finish it is magic.
I haven’t met Marco Trombetti, though it’s clear to me that he has inspired very many thousands of people through his determination to overcome adversity during Ocean Globe Race. Having won the first two legs, Translated9 unfortunately suffered hull damage after rounding Cape Horn during the third leg and diverted to the Falkland Islands, after which the Translated story became a fascinating aspect of the OGR, the team spirit that came through and the will to overcome adversity, led and enthused by Marco’s relentless determination was intriguing to follow. And just when we thought they’d done it, and they were back at the front of the fleet and heading north to the finish in the UK, they suffered further related hull issues and had to divert to Maderia. Though did they give up – No! It’s clear that “give up” is not in Marco’s vocabulary (though he can probably translate it into 58 languages…), instead they once again tackled it head-on and sailed up the Solent and over the line, not in first place in either line honours or handicap, though true winners in every other sense of the word!
Marco è nella stesso tempo la persona più caparbia e determinato. Il suo motto è Never give up! Il problema è quale sarà il suo prossimo progetto?
Ha insegnato a molti cosa significa andare in barca a vela anche quando ti cade il mondo addosso. Passione, spirito di sacrificio, compattezza di gruppo, sfide incredibili dentro e fuori dall’acqua, occasione unica per molti giovani e molto altro ancora. Con Translated 9 Marco ha incarnato i valori più nobili di una passione prima ancora che uno sport meraviglioso. Questa è la vela che amo e mi perdonino i cultori delle barche “volanti”. Stavolta lo chapeau è per Marco Trombetti
Marco is the best
Alla via così Marco!!!
Forza Macro!
What a joke! A guy paying translators peanuts and running a bad translation agency, boasting about sailing around the world.
I have worked for Translated for a long time and have never had a problem with the agency. The Matecat system is a great platform to work on and the PMs respond quickly. As for the rates, they seem standard.
Untrue! I have worked for Translated for years. They have fabulous online tools for translation and subtitles. They always pay in time.
I work as a translator and proofreader for Translated. It is a great agency to work for and I am now very pleased to support you Marco as Sailor of the Year, and the Translated 9 team. A great effort.
I have been with Translated for over seven years now and it has been nothing else but great. They have great tools, good payment system and they always pay on time. So far I have had no complaints with them. So year, I am very pleased to support Marco as sailor of the year. Bravo!!!
Congratulation Marco!
Bravo !
How can we vote?
Voted, bravo!
Marco is the best
With love from Mali 🇲🇱
Great – good luck
Congratulations on your incredible achievements! Winning Seahorse Magazine’s Sailor of the Month award in March 2024 is a testament to your exceptional skills and dedication. Now, being shortlisted by Giornale della Vela as Sailor of the Year 2024 in the boat owner category is another remarkable milestone.
Congratulations on the wonderful achievement Marco. Keep the great work up as always!
I praise you Marco and Follow Team Members even if you are encountering the hardships and difficulties on your sailing journey.
God will protect you and your fellows to guide a victory of success whether you are the first or the last.
When we are very young, our parent has watched us and cared us as such, someone or invisible power of extra-ordinary phenomenon will guide you and your follows until you are reached your target of goal.
You are a brave man with excellently coordinating fellow friends.
God bless you and your friends and your families and your communities.
Great – All the best and Good Luck.
A man with true grit, tenacious and inspiring to all and sundry.
Congratulations in competing and completing your passionate goal!
Bravissimo! Complimenti per la straordinaria impresa e per l’entusiasmo!
My vote goes to you, Marco! As a part of the team of translators at Translated, I am sending my admiration and support to your yachting team!
Nice Going Trombetti. You are doing amazing things! I salute you.
Go Trombetti, I fully support you.
Great – All the best and Good Luck!
Go Marco Go!!!
Great story, you already are a winner.
A man with true grit, tenacious and inspiring to all and sundry.
Congratulations in competing and completing your passionate goal!
Go! Per il coraggio e la determinazione.
Bravo!!!! Live your dreams!
Bravo, Marco! You are an example of perseverance, resourcefulness and resilience. You have all my admiration and appreciation.
Go Marco! Living your dreams in such a positive way makes you an even greater person! Complimenti 🙂
Un grande esempio dei risultati che si possono ottenere con la determinazione e un atteggiamento positivo, sia nella vita che nel lavoro. Complimenti a Marco e tutto il suo team!
You are wonderful Marco
You did a great job. I respect your challenging desire to achieve what we cannot accomplish easily.
What an achievement! All the best and good luck, Marco!
I knew nothing about sailboat or about Marco, I then had to visit to get a grasp. The world is really our oyster and Translated has no boundary. More strength to your elbows to steer the ship to the desired shores Marco. Kudos!!!